URGENT: Ask for a comment period extension on the Palmer Project exploration permit amendment
The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has received a request from the Palmer Project for roading and drilling near the Klehini River and Glacier Creek. This project includes over 50 drill pads with bulldozed access roads. DNR has the permit amendment on a...Submit your public comment on the Greens Creek Mine tailings expansion
The public comment period for the Greens Creek Mine tailings expansion is open and has been extended to May 23, making now the perfect time to get your comment in! We at SEACC have put together this easy tool to help you draft your comment on the Draft Supplemental...Act now to protect Alaska’s wetlands!
Hey, folks! Last week Governor Dunleavy’s ill-conceived initiative to have Alaska take over Clean Water Act Section 404 fill permitting for wetlands narrowly advanced after a series of contested battles on the Alaska House floor. Now we need your help to keep this bad...Just dropped — the Hecla Greens Creek Mining Company DSEIS
Hey folks, check this out. The Hecla Greens Creek Mining Company tailings expansion draft supplemental environmental impact statement (DSEIS) just dropped! A public open house is scheduled for April 12 in Juneau. A second meeting may be held in Angoon. Written...Comment now on the Juneau Douglas North Crossing PEL Study!
As you’re most likely aware, the comment period is currently open for the Juneau Douglas North Crossing — also known as the Second Crossing — PEL (Planning and Environmental Linkages) Study. The comment and open survey period has been extended to Friday, Feb. 3. We’re...Comment now on the Glacier Bay National Park Draft Marine Management Plan!
The Glacier Bay National Park Draft Marine Management Plan is out for public review and comment with a deadline of Friday, Dec. 30, 2022. We are heartened to see the shifting tides which show deeper consultation with Huna and Yakutat Tlingit people and recognition of...Niblack: Agency Mismanagement and an Acid Rock Problem
The Niblack Project — a copper-gold-zinc-silver mining exploration project on Prince of Wales Island — is a story of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) mismanaging a modern mining exploration project.