Southeast Alaska
Is Our Home
And we’re here to protect it
Our Staff
The Southeast Alaska Conservation Council is a homegrown conservation group of Southeast Alaskans fiercely fighting to protect our home: the ancient and mighty Tongass National Forest and the crisp, vibrant waters of the Inside Passage. This is our backyard. We’ve been protecting it since 1970 and continue today.
Southeast Alaska Is Under Threat, and We’re Doing Something About It
We are facing daily, hostile threats to our environment and way of life in Southeast Alaska.
Out-of-touch Alaska politicians want to repeal decades-old safeguards on the Tongass to open it up to clearcut logging and road building. National, state, and local agencies constantly propose new timber sales to clearcut the forest. The mining industry here in Alaska and across the border in Canada willfully ignores environmental regulations and tries to extract more and more minerals from the earth’s near-critical salmon-producing watersheds.
On top of it all, Alaska is on the front lines of climate change, warming twice as fast as the rest of the country.
All of this threatens the 35 communities that make up Southeast Alaska.
We are commercial fishermen. We are hikers and kayakers. We are small business owners. We are Alaska Natives. We are hunters. We are parents, grandparents, and youth. We are family. And we are here to say enough.
To us, Southeast Alaska, though beautiful, is not just pretty scenery. It is where we live, work, and play. We rely on this living forest and its waterways for food, jobs, clean air, and water.
SEACC has galvanized our supporters into action to successfully protect this place for over 50 years. We are a truly grassroots advocacy nonprofit organization, supported by the members who work with us to take action. We use our collective regional voice — united by the love of this special place — to win in the courtroom, to watchdog harmful industries, and to advocate for laws that point us toward a more sustainable future.
We are Southeast Alaskans: this is our home. And we’re not going anywhere.
What We’re Working On
Tongass National Forest
With its ancient, towering trees and pristine waterways teeming with salmon, the lush Tongass National Forest spans Southeast Alaska’s panhandle and is the largest national forest in the United States. We work to protect, restore and honor this living temperate rainforest — traditional homelands of the Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian peoples — that drives our region’s economy and sustains us with food, jobs, and clean air and water.
Inside Passage Waters
Southeast Alaska is as much water as it is land. Here, the interconnected web of the Inside Passage is home to lush wild salmon rivers and immense watersheds that feed the trees of the Tongass and the oceans of the world. It is a place teeming with biodiversity — from whales and wolves, to eagles, deer and bears, to salmon and communities.
Grassroots Community Organizing
Happening Now
Roadless Rule attacks are back
Well, that was fast. The Trump administration is making moves to repeal Roadless Rule protections for the Tongass with an executive order signed on January 20. We knew it was coming — between the Project 2025 manifesto and Governor Dunleavy’s rollback wishlist it could hardly be more explicitly...
For forests’ sake: A round-up of forest-related updates kicking off 2025
A new year often comes with a sense of hope and, despite what we know is ahead, we’re sticking with hope because we also know we can take on hard things together. Here’s a roundup of our forest-focused work, looking back a bit at 2024 and anticipating some of what’s to come in 2025. Don’t be too...
2024 Scrubber Roundup
Scrubber Webinar We kicked off our campaign to end scrubber pollution in Alaska this year; as we wrap up 2024, I wanted to update you on what’s been happening here, as well as some of the year’s big news worldwide. You’ve probably heard a bit about scrubber pollution from me by now. Most large...
Ask DNR to reject Palmer Mine five-year reclamation plan
Read more about the permit here.
Alaska’s water quality standards are supposed to be based in part on how much fish we eat. In reality, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation uses a Fish Consumption Rate of just 6.5 grams per day (we checked, it’s like one bite). That means our water quality standards aren’t designed...