Chilkat River • Jilkaat Heeni

The Chilkat Watershed is located near the communities of Klukwan and Haines, Alaska, and sustains our lives, cultures, and economy year-round, as it has for thousands of years.

Photo by: Connor Gallagher

Storage Container For Salmon

The Chilkat River, Jilkaat Heeni in Tlingit, or “Storage Container for Salmon,” provides the world’s largest seasonal bald eagle aggregation, Southeast Alaska’s top wild coho salmon run, and clean water in the Chilkat Watershed. The communities of Klukwan and Haines depend on the Chilkat River’s healthy habitat and abundant wild salmon for subsistence, economics and ways of life.

In 2016, the Chilkat | Jilkaat Heeni was nominated as a Tier 3 waterbody (the highest level of protection for waterways in the U.S.) by the Chilkat Indian Village of Klukwan because of its enormous cultural, economic, and ecological importance. As stressors in the ocean ecosystem increase, such as plastic pollution and acidification, river habitats like the Chilkat | Jilkaat Heeni become even more critical to the survival of salmon and communities.

Protect What You Love.

Photo by: Joe Ordoñez

Reasons for Concern

The construction and operation of the proposed Constantine-Palmer Mine, 18 miles upstream from the Chilkat River and the town of Klukwan, and 35 miles from the town of Haines, could jeopardize the health and well-being of salmon and all who depend on them. The silver, zinc, copper, and gold ore currently being explored by Constantine Metal Resources is located in an area of high rainfall, seismic activity, and in a massive sulfide deposit — which will likely lead to the leaching of acid mine drainage and heavy metals into the watershed.

These are just some of the reasons why this proposed mine is a bad idea.

Photo by: Michele Cornelius

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Our concerns extend beyond them to include:

Acid leaching potential

This area contains a volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit. All sulfide mines produce acid mine waste, but wet climates, like that of the Chilkat Valley, intensify the risk of acid mine drainage — toxic, acidic, metals laden wastewater — that could leach into the watershed.

Impacts can last forever

Acid mine waste requires containment and treatment in perpetuity. We’re told the life of the proposed mine would be 10-15 years, but the impacts could last forever. Taxpayers could be on the hook for treating acid mine waste for generations after the mining company is gone.

An area prone to earthquakes

The seismic nature of the Valley could threaten the integrity of waste storage structures. In October 2018, 11 earthquakes occurred over the course of 48 hours, all around the perimeter of the Palmer Mine.

Risks to surface water

Wastewater would be discharged into the ground without an adequate understanding of how groundwater and surface water are connected, putting surface water at risk of contamination.

Avoided public processes

The location of the mine’s entry portal was shifted from federal Bureau of Land Management land to Alaska Mental Health Trust land, skirting the NEPA process, including Environmental Analysis/Impact Studies that include a “no action” alternative, transparency, and a public process. State regulators have failed to require a wastewater discharge permit for the project and refused public demands for a public comment period on project changes.

Inadequate consideration for climate change

The Plan of Operations addresses five years of industrial activity, but many impacts can last in perpetuity. Only using current climate and weather data to plan for these impacts ignores the rapidly changing climate. Climate models predict a warmer, wetter, stormier Chilkat Valley.

For further information don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Learn More From These Groups Working On the Chilkat