“Untitled” by Woods Hill

Holy water HAIKU
Water religion
I love holy water it’s good
It can clean a fridge

Funny monkey water ballad
Water water water is bad
It is solid and like oil
It is really really sad
It tastes like it is spoiled

Water is a gas
It tastes like a donkey
Later that night I had some gas
And my mom was really funky annoying

— Woods Hill is a seventh grader at Blatchley Middle School in Sitka, Alaska.
Smelly water haiku
Mommy is kid pop
Daddy is smelly like poo
They drink fuZ water
Juice water haiku
Water is juicy
Big juicy water is nice
Big juicy water

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“Water” by Landon Hill

Wet cold and fun A fun time to boat Time to have a great time Existing for a new person Rivers lakes creeks