You can support renewable energy projects in rural Southeast!

Written by Matt Jackson

March 8, 2023

You’ve already written to the legislature to support the Renewable Energy Fund (REF). Now, thanks to your advocacy we have the chance to speak directly to the House Finance Committee. 

House Finance is holding a hearing — with public testimony — tomorrow, Thursday, March 9, at 1:30 p.m. on House Bill 62, which would extend the REF until 2033.

You have three ways to testify:

I know you’ve spoken up for the Renewable Energy Fund before, but just to make sure you have the most important talking points at your fingertips, remember to remind legislators that this bill:

  • Has led to more than 100 operation renewable energy projects
  • Saved Alaskan communities 30 MILLION gallons of diesel in 2017 alone (the last year we have comprehensive numbers for) representing hundreds of millions of dollars saved, and hundreds of millions of CO2 emissions avoided
  • Is a great investment in Alaska’s future that helps the state, communities, and individuals save money on their utility bills. 
  • Should be extended for another 10 years AND it needs to be funded at $50 million annually

If HB 62 passes out of the finance committee, it will head to the House floor for a full vote. This bill is ONLY to extend it for another 10 years, not fund it at a certain level. That decision is made during the budget process, but it’s the House Finance committee we’re talking about, so this is a critical opportunity to show our support for the extension AND for more funding.

I’ll be calling in, too. I hope to hear your voices there!

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