Connie LaPerriere’s Tongass Story

"More important to me, however, is the fact that the Tongass exists in its most undisturbed state."

From Connie LaPerriere, of Sitka, Alaska:

“I love the Tongass for so many reasons. I love to hike the backcountry. I love the trails. I love to kayak between islands. I love the fact that it provides my family with food. I love to explore the caves. I love the different geologies. I think the Tongass has kept me happy when I am in need of renewal. I do not love too many roads and too many clearcuts.”

Read more stories…

Douglas Edward’s Tongass Story

Douglas Edward’s Tongass Story

Since my first trip to Alaska, I have returned to walk the land I have grown to love… After 20 years, the Tongass is part of my life.

Tisa Becker’s Tongass Story

Tisa Becker’s Tongass Story

The part that makes Southeast special is the Tongass — the absolute feeling of freedom within its green boughs.