Act on Climate!
Protecting Southeast Alaska includes addressing the impacts of climate change and working to mitigate its effects. Some of our work is explicitly about climate change, but many of our efforts related to climate are embedded in our other work, like preserving old-growth forests — nature’s answer to carbon storage — for example. It’s all interconnected.
Stay Informed
Alpine Islands: Hunting for Mountain Goats in a Changing Climate
SEACC Climate Organizer Matt Jackson spotlights how climate change will affect mountain goats on a recent hunt — but hopefully, Alaska will correct its course. Halfway up the mountain, we start having second thoughts. First, it was a dash across a steep ravine with...
Roadless Rule Reinstatement and an End to Old-Growth Logging
It is with great joy that we write to share that this morning, the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture announced that the Forest Service and USDA will initiate a rulemaking that proposes to restore 2001 Roadless Rule protections on the Tongass!...
Hunker Down for Climate Change Virtual Gallery
Take a virtual stroll past a selection of art from workshops led by Matt Hamilton and Ellie Schmidt.