by Emily | Mar 12, 2021 | Middle School Poetry
Sitka floods It rains every day Floods the town like the ocean Then we are a pond Water Lullaby Water is cold, Water is warm, Water is wet Water Is dry Rain in the sky means a day in Rain means family time Rain is calm Rain puts us to sleep with its beautiful music...
by Emily | Mar 5, 2021 | High School Poetry
1. From the winter skies drifted down chunks of soft snow Not an uncommon sight in the dead of winter Clouds thick with bitter snow, blocking the moons glow. Blanketing the sky with swirls of dark gray. 2. In the morning glow of the sun The snow remains, a reminder of...
by Emily | Mar 5, 2021 | High School Poetry
I. Water is immensely interesting, It can be seen in so many forms, Oceans, lakes, rivers, snow, and ice. II. They all have different smells. Oceans smell like brine, snow and ice smell fresh and cold, Rivers and lakes usually smell clean and pure. III. They all have...
by Emily | Mar 5, 2021 | High School Poetry
1.The hot engines rattling nonstop to tow the large net swiftly. Surrounding the salmon. 2.Swimmimg violently onwards, white water hurling over rocks. Never able to give up, the salmon swim on. 3.Standing alone with determination, continuing to grip the pole. Unable...
by Emily | Mar 5, 2021 | High School Poetry
A golden spear strikes the blanket of peace, At a time when all the noises cease, When the water is so still you can see your reflection, That when you know the morning’s perfection. When your eyes are barely open and nothing else is awake, When the sunrise in the sky...
by Emily | Mar 5, 2021 | High School Poetry
A friend, always there to comfort in sorrow, and share in happiest of moments. Storms of rain mixed with the salty wrath of turbulent waves calming an aching mind, lulling it into submission. Dulling reality, washing away tears. Purest of elements, Water a lifeline...
by Emily | Mar 5, 2021 | High School Poetry
Waking up to the pitter patter of water dripping through the cracks in the roof Climbing out of the bunks the noise gets louder and louder Waves crashing into the boat sounding like earthquakes Opening the hatch to get into the galley the cold wind and rain chills...
by Emily | Mar 5, 2021 | High School Poetry
Water is something I drink. helps my family and I fish. It’s the beauty of life, helps plants and animals grow. In my Tlingit culture water is part of my home. Helps me calm down when I wanna get away from home, listening to the water the river is feeding the...